(ECNS)--Two shooting incidents on Sunday resulted in one death and ten injuries in Memphis, US, according to local reports. Police say they believe the two scenes are connected, but no suspect has been arrested yet. At a local bar, police found two critically injured persons. Later, at another location, a deceased victim and three more injured persons were found.
Gun violence has become one of the most serious social problems in the United States. According to the "Gun Violence Archive," there were 52 mass shootings in January this year, making January 2023 the worst on record for the number of mass shootings since it started tracking mass shootings in 2014. Shootings occur in almost all places in people"s daily lives in the United States, such as schools, subways, supermarkets, hospitals, movie theaters, bars, etc. Nowhere is immune from the possibility of a sudden eruption of gun violence. An article in the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder stated that "there are no safe spaces from guns in our nation."