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Comicomment: 'Democracy Summit' masks hegemony under the guise of democracy


(ECNS)--More than a year ago, the U.S. held a summit in the name of promoting democracy. The so-called "Summit for Democracy" blatantly drew an ideological line between countries and created division in the world. It was a preposterous show in violation of the spirit of democracy and exposed the U.S. hegemony in the guise of democracy, which has been criticized and opposed by many countries. Instead of reflecting upon and making up for its growing democracy deficit, the U.S. has redoubled its effort to tout the U.S. democracy.

The United States itself has a notorious reputation in the field of democracy and is not qualified to act as a "lecturer" on human rights. The so-called "Democracy Summit" is using "democracy" as a cover to maintain hegemony, where the preservation of hegemony is the true goal and the promotion of democracy is false. If the U.S. truly wants to pursue the path of democracy, mutual respect, openness, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation are the right way forward.




